Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back

Monday, January 31, 2011


Jeles owhhhh jelesnyeee
Tengok 'diorang' tukar relationship status
From single to in a relationship
Sekarang, from in a relationship to engage
Lepas ni pulak
From engage to married

Me? in a relationship until DOT DOT DOT
diam tak diam rupenye umur dah sangat lah meningkat
dan sepatutnya bersiap sedialah bergelar SURI
Tapi SURI yang sepatutnya digelar tahun ni
Dah tak berseri bila tarikh SURI dah dirampas oleh insan lain
Owhhh..kejam ekkkk korang!
Then, my SURI kena pospond until I sendiri pun tak tahu tah bila
Sangat2 terasa hati dgn korang semua! Terasa gila!
Hopeless kot!

I'm smiling but deep inside i'm bleeding!


  1. sbar..insya'Allah akan jumpe yg terbaik utk ija =)

  2. cik izza nanti kahwin jemput saya k main magic HAHA

  3. hasif..kalau free hal punye

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. HAHA cik izza semua nk free @@ hari yg paling sedih hari ini sbb dh abis rm200 @@


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